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  • 2007
    • November
    • October
    • September
    • August
    • July
      • Two "Zero" Days
        Adam, Sara and her father (Peter) met me to hike a 5.2 mile stretch of the AT up and over Bromley Mountain near Manchester, VT. Being about an hour from there, I decided to let them take me home with them to NY (conveniently also where my belongings and "base camp" are located). So I too

      • 398.5 Miles Down, 1.5 states!
        Around 11am this morning I finished the section in New Hampshire known as The Whites! Up and down many mountains, in 45F temperatures with 40mph winds and rain, and rocks galore! Didn't get to see much because of the clouds, but I'm sure The Whites are gorgeous. :)

        Take a loo

    • June
    • May

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