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      • 05/30/11

      • No more desert! Oh, and our pipes froze...
        I am at mile 702, Kennedy Meadows, the END of the DESERT and the START of the SIERRAS!!! Woo hooooooo!

        Unfortunately, however, the weather situation isn't all that great, and as evidenced by the snow that fell on the mountains just north of here yesterday, and the pipes that froze at

      • Kids Corner
        Today is a two-for-one edition of Kids Corner!

        A week ago I took a detour on the trail - that's like if one end of your street is closed and you have to go around a different way to get home. The detour was because somebody discovered a rare (endangered) mountain yellow-legged frog l

      • Snow pack
        I'm hearing that snow conditions are not just bad (for hikers) in the Sierra's, but that Northern CA, OR and WA are just not worth skippong ahead to. In previous years skipping ahead was possible because those regions didn't get the same recods snows as the Sierra's. This year it

      • Not your typical desert
        I am at mile 454 in Agua Dulce, CA - a town where the trail literally goes down main street for a few miles. I'm at the Saufley's, a very hiker-friendly Trail Angel home that can accommodate up to 50 hikers. Next to their house they have a nice prefab house with two bedrooms, a bathroom/sh

      • Kids Corner
        Not to scare the adults, but it's time to talk about bears. For 370 miles I have not had to worry about a single bear - they simply no longer inhabit Souther California like they used to - but apparently a few have been sighted in the area I am now hiking. It's nothing for a hiker to wor

      • Mile 370 - Wrightwood
        Walked over the San Andreas Fault yesterday, after spending a few hours relaxing at a McDonalds. What?! Yup, that's the PCT for you, fast food one minute, slow continental drift the next.

        I'm in Wrightwood, CA, a small town on the San Andreas Fault and at the base of some very

      • Snow in SoCal
        I am currently watching snow falling at almost a whiteout rate, but no accumulation on the ground. Welcome to Big Bear. The roof of my inn is covered in white. Tomorrow i leave town and can only hope things warm up as i leave this mountain town.

      • Kid's Corner
        I've recently been seeing lots of roadrunner birds in the desert. Can you, with the help of mom/dad, figure out what a roadrunner looks like? Hint, it's not a cartoon character. ;)

      • 265 mile overview
        I am currently sitting in a motel room in Big Bear City, CA. Only partially by coincidence it is raining outside! You see, I was planning on staying here tomorrow night, and arrive via mile 274, but it's been a very cold day (mid 30s overnight, 40-60 during the day) and when i hit the highway a

      • A few things about my blog
        Thanks to everyone leaving comments, it helps me to better cater this blog to my audience! Since I know there are children following along, I will be including a Kid's Corner section as often as possible!

        Often I will be using my iPhone to update my blog, so forgive me when I only ha

      • 05/01/11

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